Bridgechecker 1.72
Bridgechecker 1.72

bridgechecker 1.72 bridgechecker 1.72

This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, might cause harmful interference to radio communications. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. Note This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A Digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. reserves the right to change product specifications at any time without notice. However, Blue Coat Systems, Inc.assumes no responsibility for its use or for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that might result from its use. Instructions for the former are in the bosh-lite README.1 Blue Coat Systems ProxySG 400 Series Installation GuideĢ Blue Coat Systems, Inc BCOAT 650 Alamanor Avenue Direct Sunnyvale, California FAX Blue Coat Systems Technical Support: BCOAT Direct Information contained in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable.

bridgechecker 1.72

I think it's slightly trickier to run two bosh-lite VMs on the same host, although it may just be a matter of changing the bosh-lite IP to something other than, and then changing the warden network config in the deployment manifests to something other than The diego-release README has all those steps in the correct order. Manifest generation for diego-release currently consumes an up-to-date CF deployment manifest, so you may need to regenerate the diego manifest and redeploy it after updating CF. To ensure compatibility between the deployments, you should also redeploy cf with that same release and an updated deployment manifest. The diego deployment uses a few components from cf-release as well, namely the metron_agent to connect to the loggregator system, and the consul_agent to interact with the consul cluster that cf-release provides, so that's why cf/210+dev.1 shows up as a release for that deployment in addition to the diego release. In your list of deployments, cf-warden is the standalone cf-release deployment, and cf-warden-diego is the diego-release deployment that integrates with it. You can indeed deploy multiple different deployments to the same bosh-lite: in fact, diego-release is currently set up to be a separate deployment alongside a cf-release deployment. It'd be interesting to know if updating it to the latest version (9000.34.0-the numbering scheme changed when the project switched its CI to use concourse) resolves any of those permission issues with /vagrant/tmp. Hi, for all the detailed information, and glad to hear you found a workaround! I notice your bosh-lite image is slightly old, but by no means ancient. Failed: Permission denied dir_s_mkdir - /vagrant/tmp (00:00:00)Įrror 100: Permission denied dir_s_mkdir - /vagrant/tmp Started preparing package compilation > Finding packages to compile. Started preparing deployment > Binding instance networks. Started preparing deployment > Binding unallocated VMs. Started preparing deployment > Binding properties. Started preparing deployment > Binding templates. Started preparing deployment > Binding stemcells. Started preparing deployment > Binding resource pools. Started preparing deployment > Binding existing deployment. Started preparing deployment > Binding releases. Started preparing deployment > Binding deployment. Getting deployment properties from director. In general, unless you're doing development work on cf-release or diego-release, we strongly advise you to deploy final releases of diego and corrresponding compatible versions of cf-release, as discussed in #39. If you'd like to deploy a recent version of diego-release, I recommend you use a122a78 (diego final release 0.1247.0), which is also compatible with the newly released CF v210. We've also seen some issues with disk quotas in the updated garden-linux code that we are resolving as part of this story. That said, you will have a problem updating your submodules with that particular commit of diego-release, as the commits for the executor and inigo submodules failed to be pushed and have since been discarded and replaced with new ones. In general, running git status in diego-release will tell you if you have submodules that are out of date, as the directories for those submodules will show up as 'modified' entries in its output. That diego-release commit updates that submodule to a new commit, and the change in garden-linux between the old commit and the new one does include a new /cloudfoundry-incubator/garden-linux/network/devices/bridgetest package. Hi, looks like you may not have updated the garden-linux submodule in diego-release correctly after updating diego-release to that commit.

Bridgechecker 1.72